Effectiveness of Notary Ethical Sanctions Against Violations of the Ethical Code by Notaries in Banyumas District

Rini Andriati Siswoyo



Notaris sebagai pejabat umum harus mematuhi seluruh kaedah moral yang telah hidup dan berkembang di masyarakat. Kode etik profesi notaris adalah seluruh kaidah moral yang ditentukan oleh Perkumpulan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia. Kode etik notaris berlaku dan wajib ditaati oleh setiap dan semua anggota perkumpulan dan semua orang yang menjalankan tugas jabatan sebagai notaris. Pengawasan atas pelaksanaan kode etik itu dilakukan oleh Dewan Kehormatan Notaris. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis efektivitas sanksi etik notaris terhadap pelanggaran kode etik oleh notaris di Kabupaten Banyumas dan mengkaji Hal-hal yang menjadi penghambat penerapan sanksi kode etik notaris di Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis-sosiologis, dianalisis secara deduktif.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Efektivitas sanksi kode etik notaris berupa sanksi teguran dan peringatan tidak dapat dikatan efektif di Kabupaten Banyumas, sanksi kode etik notaris akan lebih efektif apabila dewan kehormatan notaris daerah Kabupaten Banyumas lebih menerapkan cara menentukan sanksi terhadap pelanggaran kode etik notaris sebagaimana disebutkan pada pasal 6 ayat 2 tentang penentuan kualitas dan kuantitas sanksi kode etik notaris, apabila sekali pelanggaran dapat dikatakan kualitas pelanggaran berat maka dewan kehormatan seharusnya dapat menentukan sanksi yang tegas tanpa harus melalui tata urutan sanksi kode etik, dan hal-hal yang menjadi penghambat penerapan sanksi kode etik notaris di Kabupaten Banyumas, adalah faktor penegakan hukum yaitu tidak adanya agreement antara Majelis Pengawas dan Organisasi Profesi dengan alat perkumpulannya Dewan Kehormatan. Serta faktor sarana dan prasarana yaitu tidak adanya prasarana dan fasilitas Dewan Kehormatan di Kabupaten Bayumas, karena tanpa adanya sarana dan fasilitas tertentu, maka tidak mungkin penegakan hukum akan berlangsung dengan baik.


Kata Kunci :    Notaris, Kode Etik Notaris, Sanksi, Dewan Kehormatan.



Notaries as public officials must obey all moral methods that have lived and developed in society. The code of ethics of a notary profession is all moral rules determined by the Indonesian Association of Notaries. The notary code of ethics applies and must be obeyed by each and every member of the association and all those who carry out their office as notaries. Supervision of the implementation of the code of conduct is carried out by the Notary Honorary Board. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of notary ethical sanctions against violations of the code of ethics by notaries in Banyumas Regency and examine the things that are obstacles to the application of the notary code of ethics in Banyumas Regency. The method used in this research is the sociological-juridical method, analyzed deductively.


The results showed that the effectiveness of a notary code of ethics in the form of a warning and warning could not be effectively addressed in Banyumas District, a notary code of ethics would be more effective if the notary honor board of the Banyumas Regency applied more methods of determining sanctions against violations of a notary code of ethics as mentioned in article 6 paragraph 2 concerning the determination of the quality and quantity of notary code of ethics, if once a violation can be said to be the quality of a serious offense, the honorary council should be able to determine strict sanctions without having to go through the order of the code of ethics sanctions, and things that become obstacles to the application of the code of ethics sanctions notary in Banyumas Regency, is a factor of law enforcement that is the absence of an agreement between the Supervisory Board and Professional Organizations with the tools of the Honorary Council. As well as facilities and infrastructure factors, namely the absence of infrastructure and facilities of the Honorary Council in Bayumas Regency, because without certain facilities and facilities, it is not possible to enforce the law properly.

Keywords:  Notary Public, Notary Ethics Code, Sanctions, Honorary Board.

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Authentica: Privat Law Journal
Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Yustisia IV Building, Law Journal Center
Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia, 53122
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